What do i mean by creative sovereignty?

What is Creative Sovereignty? 

What exactly do I mean when I use the words Creative Sovereignty? 

Definition: Creative~creative or able to create; inventive; stimulating the imagination

Definition: Sovereignty~supreme and independent authority 

What does it mean to BE a Creative Sovereign?

Being sovereign with my creativity means that I trust myself to express whatever I want to at that moment. Being sovereign means that I decide what I do and don’t want to create, how I create it and what it looks like in the end. I can learn all kinds of art techniques and then be sovereign in what and how I express with this information. 

For example I can decide to paint animal faces on metal with the same techniques I’ve acquired for painting on canvas. Or I make something in glass with painterly techniques. 

However, it wasn’t always like this for me. I used to believe I wasn’t creative AT ALL, let alone consider myself a creative sovereign!!

I’m NOT kidding! I wrote and created a luscious art filled book, “Tender Brave Spirit” about my unexpected creative journey that led me into a career in art.  Believe me when I tell you, I would have been voted “least likely to succeed” at any occupation in high school. 

As a result of my own experiences of feeling unworthy of being creative, and truly believing that creativity is only for special, talented people I deeply understand the pain of being creatively unfulfilled. 

 I’ve had many conversations about creativity with people over my 2 decades of creating and selling my art. I know it’s not uncommon for people to feel disempowered with their creativity. I’ve been encouraging and inspiring people all along, because if I can find a creative well inside of me, I totally know you can too! 

We are all creative, it’s a built in part of being human. It’s wired into us, do you get that? Isn’t this wonderful? 

If you’re already creating and feel the yumminess of creative flow, then next level might be to fully claim your sovereignty by creating what YOU want, when YOU want, how YOU want. Being a creative sovereign means you’ll stay true to your creative preferences, even when you’re not totally sure what they are yet, even if they aren’t meeting your desired outcome yet, whether your partner, teacher, best friend, mother or gallery owner likes them or not. 

Take a look inside yourself when you’re creating and see who’s with you, in your mind, giving you their opinion. Do you hear your teacher, your mother, your partner? There’s no shame in the btw, it’s natural to want to have love and approval for all the things, it’s wired into us since our days living in the cave way back when, when approval meant safety and life, as opposed to certain death as an outcast. Yes, it’s that deep and basic. 

However being sovereign means giving yourself permission to experiment and play, whatever the outcome. To give yourself permission to make what you want, even when you may hear other people’s opinions that you may not like or appreciate. To give yourself permission to have others like or dislike your creations and be able to be neutral about it, acknowledging that these are simply opinions. Not good, not bad. 

Being creatively sovereign means you’ll be able to pick up any art supply at the drop of a hat and feel empowered, to get messy (or neat!) with paint and crayons, to make your mark, without worrying about what other people think, and letting yourself play and experiment as a child would. Always trusting that it’s in allowing yourself to play that leads you onward into your fullest self expression. 

You’ll learn to trust yourself as a creative being. To trust that it’s safe and actually highly beneficial to make mistakes, and to play and that by becoming familiar with the hands-on practice of using art supplies and energy and mind set practices you'll experience the feeling of creative fire flowing through you, lighting up your life. 

Being creatively sovereign means you’ll know how to move through so called “creative blocks”. (I don’t really believe in creative blocks btw.) 

You’ll no longer agonize over how to begin, what art supply to use, what to write. You’ll no longer procrastinate until you’ve drained the life out of your creative impulses. 

You’ll be inspired to follow your creative impulses, wherever they may lead. You’ll feel empowered to take action when you get the ideas and you’ll know how to keep your own creative well flowing with vitality. 

You’ll feel FREE and alive, excited to get to your journal to PLAY! And you’ll finally step into your power as a creative being!

Want some expert guidance? Check out my FREE 3 part video training to get going with simple art supplies and a visual journal! It’s easy and you will LOVE it!




So you say you like colour?