
Ravenlandia Art Show Statement

“When a Raven totem has flown into your life, it signifies that magic is at play. Raven ignites the energies of magic allowing it to become one with our intentions and will. Great changes can be achieved at this time and dreams can become a reality.” (Oracle reading)

I began the unexpected journey of creating these raven women and the Ravenlandia series when I was filming one of my online courses “Paint Your Wild Spirit”.  I was creating spontaneous videos that would demonstrate my approach to painting when the very first Raven Priestess emerged. Many of her kin soon followed, with paint, collage and mixed media. Soon after, they arrived in the form of fused glass. Some of the Raven Priestess pieces are as tall as me, they now enhance the entry into my studio. 

As I reflected later on this imagery I could see that the source of the patterned, patchwork dresses was from my prairie homesteading herstory/history and lineage. I imagined the hardworking farm women who came before me; strong, powerful women...and also likely held back not only by the culture but also maybe by their dresses. Some things are harder to do in a dress or gown. 

I imagine these women, all women…. as powerful and free as birds, as ravens….with their own language, highly communicative, with strong family ties, deep connection to spirit, always gathering and circling. 

As much as they love their dresses and enjoy the shiny objects they love to gather, my story envisions these beings easily shedding their vibrant patchwork dresses and taking flight, to make full use of their outstretched wings. Being unencumbered by their clothing/conditioning they are fully free to be the sovereign badass woman/birds that they are. 

Wild, free and badass, like the ravens that gather around the highlands where I live. 

Women akin to the ravens, birds that are so intelligent, connected, spirited and NOT AFRAID TO BE THEMSELVES, not concerning themselves with whatever anyone thinks of them. Ravens are unaffected about being “too much” or “too loud”, “too wise” or “too wild” and so it goes with my Raven Women. This idea, this work, feels empowering to me.

“The Raven will show you how to walk into the dark corners of your inner conflicts buried deep within, opening the doors to the deepest power of healing to be within your grasp.”

As with much of my work, there are always many valued supporting characters. Some of these include the magical dreamland of winter time bears, a free flying unicorn, a trusty mare or 2, and always a hummingbird to bring in even more regenerative energy from the spirit world that surrounds us. 

For me, this colourful, inclusive mix gives rise to a magical, enchanted mystery land where we’re all given equal ground and privilege from which to live our most expanded, deeply authentic lives!


Whale report


What do i mean by creative sovereignty?